
Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Telemetry data helps you analyze your software’s performance and behavior. This data must be generated, collected and exported. For this, three types of data channels are used: logs, metrics and traces.

Sometimes we need to send same data to both logs and traces, and we need to take into account the characteristics of each channel. For example:

  1. We should add our service version and its environment information to each trace span and each log entry. This is necessary to identify the telemetry source, i.e. to identify which service sent this data and where it is located.
  2. We should add query resource identification attributes to each log entry for every REST API query. The same data must be added in trace span tags. This is necessary to find all the telemetry data quickly associated with the specific resource while supporting your software.
  3. We should add RabbitMQ message identification attributes to each log entry while processing it. The same data must be added in trace span tags. This is necessary to find all the telemetry data quickly associated with the specific resource while supporting your software.

You can use the packages provided in this repository to simplify the process of collecting and sending data to logs and traces.

Byndyusoft.Telemetry NugetDownloads

This package provides TelemetryItem type that is used for logging and tracing purposes. It has only two properties:

  • Name represents activity tag key or log object property name.
  • Value represents the value of telemetry item.

This package also provides static and object telemetry item collector.


dotnet add package Byndyusoft.Telemetry


Static telemetry item collector

To use static telemetry item collector you have to register it with all data providers that implement IStaticTelemetryItemProvider interface.

There are four standard providers that are presented in example below.


Build configuration provider collects environment variables with names that have BUILD_ prefix. ASP NET Core environment configuration provides ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT environment value. Service name and application version providers provide service name and application version respectively =)

These data are available by using StaticTelemetryItemsCollector class.

Object telemetry item collector

ObjectTelemetryItemsCollector class is used for extracting parameter telemetry items:

  • Currently if parameter is not object (for example, integer or string value) and its name ends with id value then it returns the parameter itself.
  • If parameter is object then all its public properties marked with TelemetryItemAttribute will be extracted.

This class should be used by different instrumentation tools such as:

  • Http action filters.
  • RabbitMq consumers.
  • Kafka consumers.

Byndyusoft.Telemetry.Abstraction NugetDownloads

This class provides TelemetryItemAttribute attribute that is used by ObjectTelemetryItemsCollector described above.


dotnet add package Byndyusoft.Telemetry.Abstraction


Mark all public properties with TelemetryItemAttribute so they will be extracted by ObjectTelemetryItemsCollector.

public class TestObject
	public int ToLogInt { get; set; }

	public string? ToLogString { get; set; }

	public int NotToLog { get; set; }

In this example only ToLogInt and ToLogString properties will be extracted. NotToLog will not be extracted.

Byndyusoft.Telemetry.OpenTelemetry NugetDownloads

This package is used for integration with OpenTelemetry.


dotnet add package Byndyusoft.Telemetry.OpenTelemetry


Static telemetry items in resource

Static telemetry items can be added to OpenTelemetry resource information by AddStaticTelemetryItems extension method.

builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry().WithTracing(tracerProviderBuilder =>

Static data are collected by StaticTelemetryItemsCollector class which is described above. All static data providers must be registered before OpenTelemetry.

Activity enrichment with tags

You can use ActivityTagEnricher to enrich activity with tags from telemetry items. Here is an example:

var telemetryItem = new TelemetryItem("method.type", "test");

Byndyusoft.Telemetry.Logging NugetDownloads

This package is used for integration with logging.


dotnet add package Byndyusoft.Telemetry.Logging


LogPropertyDataAccessor is used for collecting telemetry items that are available in async context. Here is an example for sending telemetry items to LogPropertyDataAccessor in controller action method:

LogPropertyDataAccessor.AddTelemetryItem("method.type", "test");

Byndyusoft.Telemetry.Logging.Serilog NugetDownloads

This package is used for integration with Serilog.


dotnet add package Byndyusoft.Telemetry.Logging.Serilog


To enrich all logs with static telemetry items collected by StaticTelemetryItemsCollector (described above) use WithPropertyDataAccessor extension method. To enrich all logs with telemetry items collected by LogPropertyDataAccessor (described above) use WithPropertyDataAccessor extension method.

builder.Host.UseSerilog((_, loggerConfiguration) =>
    loggerConfiguration.WriteTo.Console(new JsonFormatter());


To contribute, you will need to setup your local environment, see prerequisites. For the contribution and workflow guide, see package development lifecycle.


Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:

Package development lifecycle

  • Implement package logic in src
  • Add or adapt unit-tests (prefer before and simultaneously with coding) in tests
  • Add or change the documentation as needed
  • Open pull request in the correct branch. Target the project's master branch

