
Weather Dashboard - This project lets the user search up any city and it will display the cities current weather and its 5-day forecast. The current weather conditions will be displayed up top as a large block. The 5-day forecast will be displayed underneath.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Link to Website


About the Project

This project lets the user search up any city and it will display the cities current weather and its 5 day forecast. The current weather conditions will be displayed up top as a large block. The 5 day forecast will be displayed underneath.

Project Demo

Computer Screen


  • This shows what the application will look like on a regular computer screen.
  • The 5 day forecast will be displayed in a row.
  • The search bar and search history will be on the left.

Smaller Computer Screen


  • This shows what the application will look like on a smaller computer screen.
  • The 5 days forecast will begin to split up to cover more room.
  • The user will be able to scroll futher down to see the rest of the forecast.

Tablet Screen


  • This shows what the application will look like on a tablet.
  • The search bar will still be shown on the left side.
  • The weather cards will stack nicely on each other.

Phone Screen

phone-search phone-screen

  • This shows what the application will look like on a phone.
  • The search bar will be put at the top of the weather cards.
  • The weather conditions will now be located at the bottom of the search history.


Users can use this project to help them check the weather in a specific city so they can prepare. The application also keeps the users search history so they can easily refer back to a previous search. Same locations will only be saved once in the search history so the log will be easy to view.