
i got error

nyaruru1 opened this issue · 8 comments

Error :
Segmentation fault

It currently only supports Android 12+

add support 9-14?

have this idea, but not now

Now it's supported 9-13, could you test 14?

i have a14 rom but i can't test now i still A10

There is no need to hurry, take your time.

It took me 2 month
To find a hack root used you surface imgui
But i not found

touch not work a11

2023-11-13 13:55:09.711 32759-32759 ImGui                   test-ui                              E  [-] Method not
                                                                                                    found: _ZN7android21SurfaceComposerClient13createSurfaceERKNS_7String8EjjijRKNS_2spINS_7IBinderEEENS_13LayerMetadataEPj
                                                                                                    -> SurfaceComposerClient::CreateSurface
2023-11-13 13:55:09.711 32759-32759 ImGui                   test-ui                              E  [-] Method not
                                                                                                    found: _ZN7android21SurfaceComposerClient23getPhysicalDisplayTokenENS_17PhysicalDisplayIdE
                                                                                                    -> SurfaceComposerClient::GetPhysicalDisplayToken
2023-11-13 13:55:09.711 32759-32759 ImGui                   test-ui                              E  [-] Method not
                                                                                                    found: _ZN7android21SurfaceComposerClient11TransactionC2Ev
                                                                                                    -> SurfaceComposerClient__Transaction::Constructor
2023-11-13 13:55:09.711 32759-32759 ImGui                   test-ui                              E  [-] Method not
                                                                                                    found: _ZN7android21SurfaceComposerClient11Transaction17setTrustedOverlayERKNS_2spINS_14SurfaceControlEEEb
                                                                                                    -> SurfaceComposerClient__Transaction::SetTrustedOverlay
2023-11-13 13:55:09.711 32759-32759 ImGui                   test-ui                              E  [-] Method not
                                                                                                    found: _ZN7android21SurfaceComposerClient11Transaction5applyEbb
                                                                                                    -> SurfaceComposerClient__Transaction::Apply
2023-11-13 13:55:09.712 32759-32759 ImGui                   test-ui                              E  [-] Method not
                                                                                                    found: _ZN7android14SurfaceControl10getSurfaceEv
                                                                                                    -> SurfaceControl::GetSurface