
Bug: Test failures on Windows

danielbroll opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
Several tests fail on windows.

  • de.cotto.lndmanagej.controller.ObjectMapperConfigurationIT#output_is_pretty_printed

  • de.cotto.lndmanagej.model.LiquidityBoundsWithTimestampTest#isTooOld_for_max_age_old_entry
    Expecting value to be true but was false

  • de.cotto.lndmanagej.balances.persistence.BalancesDaoImplTest.GetLocalBalanceAverage#one_old_entry

Expecting actual:
  Optional[CoinsAndDuration[coins=300.000, duration=PT336H]]
to contain:
  CoinsAndDuration[coins=300.000, duration=PT335H59M]
but did not.

To Reproduce
Which commands did you run to reproduce this?
gradlew build pitest

Expected behavior
All tests are green on the main branch

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

  • Which version (git commit) are you running?

lastest version main branch: f0505de

  • Which operating system and terminal software are you using?

Windows 10 Pro

Thanks. Windows is annoying :/ Timers on Windows have a very low resolution. On my Linux machine I get a very small difference, which is rounded down (so that "PT335H59M" is expected). I guess that LocalDateTime.now on Windows returns the same time, without any difference, which seems wrong to me. I need more coffee...
