
Issues with expanded Desktop (in Kitkat)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Sometimes while disabling expanded desktop I end up with an empty navigation bar. Nothing is clickable on it. And enabling and redisabling does not help then...
2013-11-28 14 18 09

As I tried to get a log with the error I could not reproduce it anymore (before it happened multiple times...)
So I'll close as long as it does not happen again...

C3C0 commented

I don't know if you follow the support thread but this is the one of many issues that is going to be addressed in version of GB that will be targeted for KK exclusively.

Ok, I was not aware of that...
By the way, are you going to include sharper graphics? Some are pretty washed out on the Nexus 5, most noticable the expanded desktop logo and the reboot circle in the power menu and the 2G/3G switch.

C3C0 commented

Yes, that's another one.