🌐 Hacktoria.com


What is Hacktoria?

Hacktoria offers a set of Capture the Flag style challenges, named “Contracts“. These are split by difficulty level and consist of different disciplines. Varying from OSINT to Security, Logical Thinking and others. Contracts come with their own storyline, which often ties into larger stories and characters that appear in several Contracts. All are free to play and require no registration.

HACKTORIA - Made in 🇫🇮 | Community Leaders in 🇧🇬 🇫🇷 🇳🇴 🇨🇱

Who makes all of this?

The Contracts, the Hacktoria website, and other material are made by one person. It’s a hobby project, hope you enjoy my effort. The CTF Team and Community Projects are operated by various community members.

Community Features

24/7 Challenges:

  • In our Discord server, there’s a challenge channel. The winner of each challenge makes the next challenge, and goes on the scoreboard.

CTF Team:

  • The Hacktoria CTF team competes in Capture the Flag events in various topics, they also train together. Anyone is free to apply for team membership. Just ask around in the chatroom in the Discord channel.


  • Sharing knowledge is essential. Therefore Hacktoria relies heaviliy on community members who make write-ups of how they solve Contracts. These help others learn and drive webtraffic to Hacktoria and back to the blog of the community member making the write-up.

Economy System:

  • Our Discord server has an economy system. You can gamble, work and do other tasks to earn virtual Hacktoria Coins. These can be used to buy Secret Agency Roleplay items. But also to purchase unique Contracts that only appear in Discord.

Brand Intelligence:

  • Since most of our community is heavily into OSINT, Hacktoria made a game out of finding mentions of Hacktoria on other websites. This includes the afromentioned write-ups, both your own and others. Community members receive Hacktoria Coins for finding this brand intelligence, which you can submit in the brand-intel channel in our Discord server.

Discord Roles:

  • Depending on your involvement with Hacktoria, several Discord roles are avilable. More clarification on these can be found on the Discord Roles page.

Having fun:

  • We have a welcoming community with people who all have different skills. Everyone is welcome to join and learn, have fun and build their own community projects. Don’t be shy, say hello.

Hacktoria People on Github

Check out our people