
One Library Commitment Appears Multiple Times on Dashboard and Revision History

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I think this is an old issue but it has resurfaced. We are seeing a single subscription commitment by a library appearing multiple times on the dashboard and multiple (although fewer) times on the revision history. I have attached several screen captures so you can see how this is appearing.
Screen Captures - Commitments Appearing Multiple Times on Dashboard and Revision History.docx

I looked into this a little bit. I definitely notice that if you just click the green selection button it shows another "selected" item in the activity list. So that's an obvious place these would be coming from. I think this might also be triggered by clicking on the green box in the row to collapse the row but I need to try and reproduce that more. Either way, checking whether the selection is already there and preventing the message should fix this.

Added to JIRA as CS-23