
The project failed when executing pread

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Hello, we use smartssd to run the project in the environment of vitis2021.2 and xrt2021.2, but the project fails when performing pread. The code execution process is as follows:

root@cmmhc-PowerEdge-R750:/home/xuekun/code/GNN/damon24-gnn-in-situ-sampling-main/smartssd/sampling/build# ./test_streaming_sampler
Edge file handler: 4
Chunk offsets size: 29
Target nodes size: 0
Edge chunk size: 134217728
Edge file size: 6907023872
Xrt Device Id: 0x55c01cd2f340
Begin sample next epoch... bo_index: 0
cur_frontier size: 0
Prepair frontiers Duration: 0.002423 ms
Begin sample one layer, n_neighbors: 20, number of chunks: 1
Processing chunk 0, chunk frontier size: 0
ERR: pread failed: error: Bad address

We use the papers100M dataset. The configuration of sampler in test_streaming_sample.cpp is as follows:

StreamingSampler sampler(
   {0}, "parallel_streaming_sampler.xclbin", "parallel_streaming_sampler",
   "/mnt/nvme2n1/test_data/papers100M/train_nodes.bin", {20, 15, 10},
   (size_t)128 * 1024 * 1024);

(Because we didn't find sample_target_nodes.xclbin in the project, we used parallel_streaming_sampler.xclbin)

And then we perform training for one epochs:

    EasyTimer timer("Sampling the whole epoch. ");

Can you help us identify where the problem is? Thank you very much!

Hi, thanks for running our program. You can use parallel_streaming_sampler.xclbin directly, but I think the issue might be with the input files. Our program requires you to preprocess the papers100M dataset before running it.

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Download the papers100M dataset and unzip it.
  2. Use the preprocessing script from this link to run the preprocessing.
  3. Modify the parameters in the following code snippet to match the location of your preprocessed files:
StreamingSampler sampler(
   {0}, "parallel_streaming_sampler.xclbin", "parallel_streaming_sampler",
   "/mnt/nvme2n1/test_data/papers100M/train_nodes.bin", {20, 15, 10},
   (size_t)128 * 1024 * 1024);

Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention. If you have any further questions, please let me know.