
Saving to disk fails for some datasets with ' errno = 2, error message = \'No such file or directory\', flags = 13, o_flags = 242'

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The below dataset ids sometimes fail while saving to disk with a message like this:

DataAccessError('Failed to synchronize data source ""esacci.OC.5-days.L3S.OC_PRODUCTS.multi-sensor.multi-platform.MERGED.3-1.geographic"" for given time range, region, variable names: Unable to create file (unable to open file: name = \'/home/alicja/.cate/data_stores/local/local.testq/\', errno = 2, error message = \'No such file or directory\', flags = 13, o_flags = 242

This cannot be reproduced and seems to occur randomly.

this has been noticed so far for these ds_ids:

  • esacci.OC.5-days.L3S.OC_PRODUCTS.multi-sensor.multi-platform.MERGED.3-1.geographic
  • esacci.CLOUD.mon.L3C.CLD_PRODUCTS.MODIS.Terra.MODIS_TERRA.2-0.r1

This error was caused by naming locally two datasets with the same random name. This has been fixed within the testing routine and does not occur anymore.