
Missing source for jcm.dll

vchendrix opened this issue · 2 comments

This project came with a compiled binary (jcm.dll). The source for this binary needs to be discovered.

Response from Anderson Soares Chinen

Hi everyone,

I'm writing to confirm the statement above about the jcm dll, it has the
same content as the gold.dll. Additionally, the changes from 8.4 to 8.8
also affect the dynamic model. I tried to run it directly in the newer
version and there are compatibility issues. Likewise, a newer version of
the dynamic model can be provided if the user base has moved to 8.8.

Anderson Soares Chinen

On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 5:42 PM, Josh Morgan wrote:

Hello all,
I have attached a folder containing the Fortran files for gold.dll. I will
confirm with Anderson, but I suspect that jcm.dll may have been created
from the same set of Fortran files and just given a different name. Since
the procedure for creating a .dll is the same for any given set of Fortran
files, one set of instructions should be sufficient, and I can prepare it.

Also, gold.dll was prepared for use with Aspen V8.4 and it has been shown
to fail with V8.8, and most likely later versions, due to a change in a
function call in one of Fortran files. We are able to provide a separate
version for use with later versions of Aspen, if it is possible to do so at
this point, since many users may be working with a later version of Aspen.

Josh Morgan

On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 5:03 PM, Keith Beattie wrote:

(resend with correct address for Debangsu)

Hey all,

Valerie and I are working on the "open sourcing" of the CCSI Toolset and
we've come across a few projects that have compiled .dll files checked into

2-mpz: full.dll
MEA_ssm: gold.dll
MEA_dm: jcm.dll

Our current understanding is that these are build in Aspen from Fortran
code. The hope is that we can get that code checked in to github (where we
are planning on hosting the open sourced CCSI Toolset) along with some
instructions on how to build that Fortran into the .dll file for use in
that product.

Can we get some help with getting those files and instructions? Hopefully
the above 3 are similar enough that they could use the same instructions?


Joshua C. Morgan
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Chemical Engineering
West Virginia University
Morgantown,WV 26505

From Keith

Thanks all,

I think we should use the existing code for this initial open-sourced
release of the toolset. The immediate goal is to essentially duplicate
the most recent, existing release of the CCSI Toolset up on github as an
open source project. So the concern about support for Aspen 8.8 is a
perfectly valid one, I think we should address that in a subsequent release.

If the changes to support 8.8 is easy to do, and someone is willing to
make those changes, we can certainly check it in in prep for that future

Before that though, Josh I'd love to take you up on the offer to write
up the procedure for compiling a set of Fortran files into a .dll That
will will most definately want to include in this first open-source release.
