
Failed to open Simulation

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A user reported an issue with Turbine/SimSinter failing to run an ACM application because it was identified as an Excel application. After removing the TurbineLite Database and rerunning, everything worked correctly.


Failed to open Simulation (1: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler).


020-11-05 11:59:52,995 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.session.session - Initializing session, Log file: C:\Users\vgupta\OneDrive - Research Triangle Institute\Documents\Active Projects\NAS Testing at TCM\CCSI\logs\foqus.log, Position: 0
2020-11-05 11:59:52,995 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\surrogate\
2020-11-05 11:59:52,995 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\surrogate\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,005 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\surrogate\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,017 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\optimizer\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,179 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\optimizer\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,186 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\optimizer\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,217 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\optimizer\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,217 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\optimizer\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,217 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\optimizer\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,217 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\optimizer\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,933 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\optimizer\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,951 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\pymodel\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,951 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\pymodel\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,951 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.plugins.pluginSearch - Loading Plugin: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\pymodel\
2020-11-05 11:59:53,961 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - turbine configuration application url="http://localhost:8000/TurbineLite/application/"
2020-11-05 11:59:53,961 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - turbine configuration url="http://localhost:8000/TurbineLite"
2020-11-05 12:00:01,989 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - Stopped all running consumers
2020-11-05 12:00:02,458 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.process_management - Found Process: []
2020-11-05 12:00:02,466 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - turbine configuration application url="http://localhost:8000/TurbineLite/application/"
2020-11-05 12:00:02,466 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - turbine configuration url="http://localhost:8000/TurbineLite"
2020-11-05 12:00:06,582 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.graph - run: Running flowsheet(s) locally
2020-11-05 12:00:06,582 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - turbine configuration application url="http://localhost:8000/TurbineLite/application/"
2020-11-05 12:00:06,582 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - turbine configuration url="http://localhost:8000/TurbineLite"
2020-11-05 12:00:06,588 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - Starting simulation consumer...
2020-11-05 12:00:08,010 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration -   Waiting for consumer to register in DB...
2020-11-05 12:00:10,132 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration -   Waiting for consumer to register in DB...
2020-11-05 12:00:12,143 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - Started consumer for Excel, id: {9407358D-AE9D-4DE0-87C9-43BE9E99521D}
2020-11-05 12:00:12,143 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.node - Generated Job JSON:
    "ConsumerId": "{9407358D-AE9D-4DE0-87C9-43BE9E99521D}",
    "Initialize": false,
    "Input": {
      "BFBadsB.Lb": 4.2,
      "BFBadsM.Lb": 4.2,
      "BFBadsT.Lb": 4.2,
      "BFBrgnB.Lb": 4.2,
      "BFBrgnT.Lb": 4.2,
      "GHXfg.GasOut.T": 40.0,
      "MinStepSize": 0.001,
      "RunMode": "Steady State",
      "Script": "",
      "Snapshot": "",
      "SolidIn.Fm": 600000.0,
      "TimeSeries": [
      "TimeUnits": "Hours",
      "adsDt": 15.0,
      "adsN": 15.0,
      "adsdx": 0.0275,
      "adslhx": 0.4,
      "homotopy": 1,
      "printlevel": 0,
      "rgnDt": 12.0,
      "rgnN": 15.0,
      "rgnSF": 0.3,
      "rgndx": 0.0225,
      "rgnlhx": 0.08,
      "steam.F": 800.0
    "Reset": false,
    "Simulation": "BFB_v6_2",
    "Visible": false
2020-11-05 12:00:12,290 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.node - Started Job: 36 Turbin SID: e8048064-9bc2-4bc3-8e2e-5703cbdf637c
2020-11-05 12:01:04,261 - ERROR - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.node - Error while motoring job: 36, Ex: 350 - Job failed, Results: {'Id': 36, 'Guid': 'd8f34650-5d93-4eb0-b7ce-230c352b8a08', 'Simulation': 'BFB_v6_2', 'State': 'error', 'Messages': ['event=setup,consumer=9407358d-ae9d-4de0-87c9-43be9e99521d', 'working directory setup finished', 'Failed to open Simulation (1: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler).', 'Failed to open Simulation (2: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler).', 'Failed to open Simulation (3: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler).', 'Failed to open Simulation (4: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler).', 'event=error,consumer=9407358d-ae9d-4de0-87c9-43be9e99521d,msg="Failed to open Simulation (5: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler)."'], 'Input': {'BFBadsB.Lb': 4.2, 'BFBadsM.Lb': 4.2, 'BFBadsT.Lb': 4.2, 'BFBrgnB.Lb': 4.2, 'BFBrgnT.Lb': 4.2, 'GHXfg.GasOut.T': 40.0, 'MinStepSize': 0.001, 'RunMode': 'Steady State', 'Script': '', 'Snapshot': '', 'SolidIn.Fm': 600000.0, 'TimeSeries': [0.0], 'TimeUnits': 'Hours', 'adsDt': 15.0, 'adsN': 15.0, 'adsdx': 0.0275, 'adslhx': 0.4, 'homotopy': 1, 'printlevel': 0, 'rgnDt': 12.0, 'rgnN': 15.0, 'rgnSF': 0.3, 'rgndx': 0.0225, 'rgnlhx': 0.08, 'steam.F': 800.0}, 'Output': None, 'Errors': [], 'Status': 0, 'Session': 'e8048064-9bc2-4bc3-8e2e-5703cbdf637c', 'Initialize': False, 'Reset': False, 'Visible': False, 'Consumer': '9407358d-ae9d-4de0-87c9-43be9e99521d', 'Create': '2020-11-05T17:00:12.1900000', 'Submit': '2020-11-05T17:00:12.2730000', 'Setup': '2020-11-05T17:00:15.2200000', 'Finished': '2020-11-05T17:00:59.5600000'}
line: 474 file: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\graph\ 
line: 497 file: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\graph\ 
line: 718 file: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\graph\ 
line: 1163 file: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\sim\ 
   msg = "".join(["Results: ", str(res)]))
line: 53 file: c:\users\vgupta\miniconda3\envs\ccsi-foqus\lib\site-packages\foqus_lib\framework\sim\ 
   foqusException.__init__(self, code=code, msg=msg, tb=tb)

2020-11-05 12:01:04,261 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.node - Job failed, stopping consumer for BFB_v6_2
2020-11-05 12:01:04,292 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - Terminating Consumer {9407358D-AE9D-4DE0-87C9-43BE9E99521D} posting to http://localhost:8000/TurbineLite/Consumer/{9407358D-AE9D-4DE0-87C9-43BE9E99521D}/stop
2020-11-05 12:01:06,820 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.process_management - Found Process: []
2020-11-05 12:01:06,820 - INFO - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.node - Job 36 Failed will not retry
2020-11-05 12:01:06,828 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.graph.node - Job 36 Results:
{"Id": 36, "Guid": "d8f34650-5d93-4eb0-b7ce-230c352b8a08", "Simulation": "BFB_v6_2", "State": "error", "Messages": ["event=setup,consumer=9407358d-ae9d-4de0-87c9-43be9e99521d", "working directory setup finished", "Failed to open Simulation (1: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler).", "Failed to open Simulation (2: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler).", "Failed to open Simulation (3: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler).", "Failed to open Simulation (4: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler).", "event=error,consumer=9407358d-ae9d-4de0-87c9-43be9e99521d,msg=\"Failed to open Simulation (5: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler).\""], "Input": {"BFBadsB.Lb": 4.2, "BFBadsM.Lb": 4.2, "BFBadsT.Lb": 4.2, "BFBrgnB.Lb": 4.2, "BFBrgnT.Lb": 4.2, "GHXfg.GasOut.T": 40.0, "MinStepSize": 0.001, "RunMode": "Steady State", "Script": "", "Snapshot": "", "SolidIn.Fm": 600000.0, "TimeSeries": [0.0], "TimeUnits": "Hours", "adsDt": 15.0, "adsN": 15.0, "adsdx": 0.0275, "adslhx": 0.4, "homotopy": 1, "printlevel": 0, "rgnDt": 12.0, "rgnN": 15.0, "rgnSF": 0.3, "rgndx": 0.0225, "rgnlhx": 0.08, "steam.F": 800.0}, "Output": null, "Errors": [], "Status": 0, "Session": "e8048064-9bc2-4bc3-8e2e-5703cbdf637c", "Initialize": false, "Reset": false, "Visible": false, "Consumer": "9407358d-ae9d-4de0-87c9-43be9e99521d", "Create": "2020-11-05T17:00:12.1900000", "Submit": "2020-11-05T17:00:12.2730000", "Setup": "2020-11-05T17:00:15.2200000", "Finished": "2020-11-05T17:00:59.5600000"}
2020-11-05 12:01:06,828 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - turbine configuration application url="http://localhost:8000/TurbineLite/application/"
2020-11-05 12:01:06,828 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - turbine configuration url="http://localhost:8000/TurbineLite"
2020-11-05 12:01:14,948 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.turbineConfiguration - Stopped all running consumers
2020-11-05 12:01:15,455 - DEBUG - foqus.foqus_lib.framework.sim.process_management - Found Process: []
Hi Vijay,

This is coming from “SimSinter”, apparently the “checkSimVersionConstraints” is failing.

	"Failed to open Simulation (1: The simulator (Excel) does not match the simulator recommended by the configuration file (Aspen Custom Modeler).”

It seems like the sinter configuration file is incorrect, however, this wouldn’t seem to be the case since several others have run it successfully….

My guess is the “simulation” you are specifying has been configured as an “Excel” application.  The BFB simulation should be an “ACM” simulation.

Using a browser you should be able to navigate to the simulations:

I think the one you are using would be:


And in this JSON the Application is likely “Excel”, which is incorrect.

The solution is probably just to upload the simulation again, or remove the TurbineLite Database after shutting down the TurbineWebAPI in control panel services and restart it.

Hopefully we can understand what went wrong so we can fix the documentation or make it more clear.  

Hi Josh,
Removing the TurbineLite Database and re-running the simulation has fixed the problem with the flowsheet tutorial.  Not sure how the TutbineLite database got corrupted.  After removing the database, I just followed the instructions for the tutorial and it worked fine.
I am still having some trouble with the foqus program that Josh Morgan put together for the RTI NAS model.  I will follow up on that with Anuja.
Thanks for all your help.