
SharpBlock failed with error: Failed to read memory, PartialCopy

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When executing the following command I get an error:

SharpBlock.exe -w -e C:\...\test.exe
SharpBlock by @_EthicalChaos_
  DLL Blocking app for child processes x86_64

[+] in-proc amsi 0x00007ff9ef520000
[+] in-proc ntdll 0x00007ffa11230000
[+] Launched process C:\...\test.exe with PID 17896
[!] SharpBlock failed with error Failed to read memory, PartialCopy
   at SharpSploit.Execution.DynamicInvoke.Native.NtReadVirtualMemory(IntPtr ProcessHandle, IntPtr BaseAddress, IntPtr Buffer, UInt32& NumberOfBytesToRead)
   at SharpBlock.Program.ReadBytes(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr address, Int32 size) in C:\...\SharpBlock-master\Program.cs:line 373
   at SharpBlock.Program.ReadMovAddress(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr address) in C:\...\SharpBlock-master\Program.cs:line 161
   at SharpBlock.Program.UpdateCommandLine(IntPtr hProcess, String args) in C:\...\SharpBlock-master\Program.cs:line 192
   at SharpBlock.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\...\SharpBlock-master\Program.cs:line 763

I'm trying to execude a simple c# script that executes a reverse shell using shellcode (Program.cs) in order to test an EDR.

What am I doing wrong?

Thx for the awsome project

CCob commented

Hard to tell without debugging. How have you compiled the test.exe, is it x64 or x86? Architecture should match the child process.

my bad, I was using the x86 version instead of the x64 :)