Grid lines
Opened this issue · 1 comments
James-Crean commented
The user needs a way to add grid lines in a variety of ways.
Lines for the equator, and various degree increments at the very least. (i.e. every 10 degrees, or every 20 degrees should be possible)
The color needs to be adjustable as well. most likely the user will want a variation of black or grey.
Opacity would be a nice to have feature as well.
doutriaux1 commented
here it is a combination of graphic method editor and template
import vcs
t.ytic1.x1 =
t.ytic1.x2 =
gm = vcs.createboxfill() . # or whatever
gm.yticlabels1 = {0:"Eq",20:"",} # add more as needed by user