Add New Table K12LeaGradeOffered

AEMDuaneBrown opened this issue · 1 comments

This is for capturing needs not currently supported by the CEDS model. Please do not send or share actual data as examples in this issue or in attachments.

Duane Brown

Authoring Organization(s)
CIID Generate

Email Address

Use Case Title
Add New Table K12LeaGradeOffered

Use Case Overview
Create a new table in the CEDS Integrated Data Store called K12LeaGradeOffered. This will be used to track the Grades Offered by an LEA. The new table will include the following columns:

K12LeaGradeOfferedId (PK, int, not null)
K12LeaId (FK, in, not null)
RefGradeLevelId (FK, int, not null)
RecordStartDateTime (datetime, null)
RecordEndDateTime (datetime, null)

Pull Request Number(s) (If applicable)

Use Case Background
Provide information related to why these changes/additions are needed.
This change is in reference to the Elements Issue that is presently pending community approval listed here:

The proposal will provide the needed background for the change. Essentially, the grades offered by the schools under the authority of an LEA do not always equal the grades offered by the LEAs. In some states, LEAs offer additional grades beyond what their schools are able to offer and this is done through agreements/contracts with other LEAs. Therefore this information must be tracked separately.

Components Affected
Delete everything from the list below except the components affected:

CEDS Integrated Data Store (complete IDS Design Overview Table)

New table: K12LeaGradeOffered
K12LeaGradeOfferedId (PK, int, not null)
K12LeaId (FK, in, not null)
RefGradeLevelId (FK, int, not null)
RecordStartDateTime (datetime, null)
RecordEndDateTime (datetime, null)

Addressed in V9.0.0.0 release, #42. See CEDS OSC IDS Summary v9 Changes.xlsx for additional details.