Matlab implementation of FISTA broken - but with simple fix

EAM-Math opened this issue · 3 comments

Expected Behavior

Matlab function declaration (the first line) should read
" function [x_rec,res,qualMeasOut] = FISTA(proj,geo,angles,niter,varargin)"
in order to return the solution given by the FISTA algorithm - in addition to other supplemental and convergence statistics that are generated/requested in the 2nd and 3rd output arguments.

Actual Behavior

instead the function declaration is
"function [res,qualMeasOut] = FISTA(proj,geo,angles,niter,varargin)"
which means that the usually desired value is not returned.

Code to reproduce the problem (If applicable)


  • MATLAB/python version:
  • OS:
  • CUDA version:

oops silly bug. I'll fix asap

Hum, no actually, I think its fine but has misleading names, as res here is not the residual, but the result. I will change the names for clarity.

However indeed, it is missing an output.

I haven't tested it, but I think this is fixed. It was the second output that was missing, not the first, but still important.
Thanks for the report!