cbct post processing

hyaihjq opened this issue · 3 comments


What post-processing can be used to convert the right image into the left image?thanks

Hi @hyaihjq
I have no idea! TIGRE does not have a lot of post processing tools yet.
But if the left image is from a manufacturer, then its likely that what they've done is propietary information. To be fair, it just looks like a bit of denoising over a different color range visualization.

Hi @hyaihjq I have no idea! TIGRE does not have a lot of post processing tools yet. But if the left image is from a manufacturer, then its likely that what they've done is propietary information. To be fair, it just looks like a bit of denoising over a different color range visualization.

thanks,Is there any way to enhance the contrast of the teeth area while reducing the contrast of the soft tissue?

@hyaihjq There are ways in the general image processing and medical imaging literature yes, but not any included in TIGRE.