Motion Tigre - Error Mex

aneelmaheshwari opened this issue · 4 comments

i am using the Tigre but i am new with motion Tigre. Do we have to put the motion Tigre folder in the main Tigre folder or separate. I have checked all the Mex files in the correct folder for Motion Tigre but still there is a MeX error in motion Tigre. Therefore, I wouldn't be able to compile the program.

Error using mex
C:\TIGRE-master\TIGRE-master\MATLAB\Motion_Source\AxM.cpp not detected; check that you are in the correct current folder, and
check the spelling of 'C:\TIGRE-master\TIGRE-master\MATLAB\Motion_Source\AxM.cpp'.

I am looking forward to some can help me

Thanks for the message. I will answer to your emaik/other issue with some help , but the official answer from TIGRE is that in principle, TIGRE does not support the motion code officially.

that means it works independently. May i get your help how to fix the mex error. I am looking forward to your reply via email as i sent you. So, i can be able to run the motion code.

Error in MotionDemo (line 33)
mex -largeArrayDims ./Motion_Source/AxM.cpp ./Motion_Source/ ./Motion_Source/ -outdir ./Motion_Correction