The OSSART_TV algorithm in Python has problems
Closed this issue · 6 comments
The results of reconstruction using OSSART and OSSART_TV are indistinguishable, and adjusting the TV parameters also produces no changes.
Moreover, I am unable to view the minTV function here; it tells me "cannot find declaration to go to."
import tigre
import numpy as np
import tigre.algorithms as algs
import os
geo = tigre.geometry()
# Distances
geo.DSD = 1300 # Distance Source Detector (mm)
geo.DSO = 1000 # Distance Source Origin (mm)
# Detector parameters
geo.nDetector = np.array([822, 824]) # number of pixels (px)
geo.dDetector = np.array([0.192, 0.192]) # size of each pixel (mm)
geo.sDetector = geo.nDetector * geo.dDetector # total size of the detector (mm)
# Image parameters
geo.nVoxel = np.array([512, 512, 512]) # number of voxels (vx)
geo.sVoxel = np.array([512, 512, 512]) * np.array([0.1,0.1,0.1]) # total size of the image (mm)
geo.dVoxel = np.array([0.1,0.1,0.1]) # size of each voxel (mm)
# Offsets
geo.offOrigin = np.array([0,0, 0]) # Offset of image from origin (mm)
geo.offDetector = np.array([0, 0]) # Offset of Detector (mm)
geo.mode = "cone"
geo.COR = 0
geo.accuracy = 0.5
geo.rotDetector = np.array([0, 0, 0])
#%% Load data and generate projections
clockwise = -np.pi / 2
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 720, endpoint=False)+ clockwise
angles1 = angles[0:30]
angles2 = angles[150:210]
angles3 = angles[690:720]
angles = np.concatenate((angles1,angles2, angles3), axis=0)
proj = np.fromfile('./proj_simu.raw',dtype=np.float32).reshape(720,822,824)
proj1 = proj[0:30, :, :]
proj2 = proj[150:210, :, :]
proj3 = proj[690:720, :, :]
proj = np.concatenate((proj1, proj2, proj3),axis=0)
# TV
niter = 20
imgOSSART_TV = algs.ossart_tv(proj, geo, angles, niter,tvlambda=100,tviter=20)
I adjusted the TV parameters to a large value to observe whether TV has any effect
- MATLAB/python version:
- OS:
- CUDA version:
How much have you adjusted the parameters?
minTV is a cuda code, so you can not open it in python. If you show a piece of code with the TIGRE data, I can help you debug your script, but I can't with your data.
The following is the reconstruction code. I have made various changes to tvlambda and tviter, but I found no improvement in the images compared to OSSART. I have tried the parameters 0.2, 50, and 100 for tvlambda, but there was no difference.
import tigre
import numpy as np
import tigre.algorithms as algs
import os
geo = tigre.geometry()
# Distances
geo.DSD = 1300 # Distance Source Detector (mm)
geo.DSO = 1000 # Distance Source Origin (mm)
# Detector parameters
geo.nDetector = np.array([822, 824]) # number of pixels (px)
geo.dDetector = np.array([0.192, 0.192]) # size of each pixel (mm)
geo.sDetector = geo.nDetector * geo.dDetector # total size of the detector (mm)
# Image parameters
geo.nVoxel = np.array([512, 512, 512]) # number of voxels (vx)
geo.sVoxel = np.array([512, 512, 512]) * np.array([0.1,0.1,0.1]) # total size of the image (mm)
geo.dVoxel = np.array([0.1,0.1,0.1]) # size of each voxel (mm)
# Offsets
geo.offOrigin = np.array([0,0, 0]) # Offset of image from origin (mm)
geo.offDetector = np.array([0, 0]) # Offset of Detector (mm)
geo.mode = "cone"
geo.COR = 0
geo.accuracy = 0.5
geo.rotDetector = np.array([0, 0, 0])
#%% Load data and generate projections
clockwise = -np.pi / 2
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 720, endpoint=False)+ clockwise
angles1 = angles[0:30]
angles2 = angles[150:210]
angles3 = angles[690:720]
angles = np.concatenate((angles1,angles2, angles3), axis=0)
proj = np.fromfile('./proj_simu.raw',dtype=np.float32).reshape(720,822,824)
proj1 = proj[0:30, :, :]
proj2 = proj[150:210, :, :]
proj3 = proj[690:720, :, :]
proj = np.concatenate((proj1, proj2, proj3),axis=0)
niter = 20
imgOSSART_TV = algs.ossart_tv(proj, geo, angles, niter,tvlambda=100,tviter=20)
this is result of SART.
this is result of TV
I have now conducted experiments using the built-in data from TIGRE, and I found that there is no difference between the reconstruction results of SART and TV. I subtracted the reconstructed images of the two algorithms and found no error. I'm not sure what could be causing this. The following is the code I used.
import tigre
import numpy as np
from tigre.utilities import sample_loader
from tigre.utilities import CTnoise
import tigre.algorithms as algs
geo = tigre.geometry_default(high_resolution=True)
#%% Load data and generate projections
# define angles
angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 30)
# Load thorax phantom data
head = sample_loader.load_head_phantom(geo.nVoxel)
# generate projections
projections = tigre.Ax(head, geo, angles)
# add noise
noise_projections = CTnoise.add(projections, Poisson=1e5, Gaussian=np.array([0, 10]))
imgFDK = algs.fdk(noise_projections, geo, angles)
imgFDK = imgFDK.astype(np.float32).tofile('FDK_head.raw')
niter = 50
imgOSSART = algs.ossart(noise_projections, geo, angles, niter)
niter = 50
imgOSSART_TV = algs.ossart_tv(noise_projections, geo, angles, niter)
hello, I think the issue may be with the OSSART_TV algorithm. I just experimented using the SART and SART_TV algorithms, and I found that TV is effective.
You are right, working on fixing it right now.
Hello, I modified the OSSART_TV algorithm like this, and now the TV is effective.
class OSSART_TV(IterativeReconAlg):
doc = (
"OSSART_TV solves Cone Beam CT image reconstruction using Oriented Subsets\n"
"Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique with TV regularization algorithm\n"
"solves the reconstruction problem using the projection data PROJ taken\n"
"over ALPHA angles, corresponding to the geometry described in GEO,\n"
"using NITER iterations.\n"
) + IterativeReconAlg.doc
def __init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs):
self.blocksize = 20 if 'blocksize' not in kwargs else kwargs['blocksize']
self.tvlambda = 50 if 'tvlambda' not in kwargs else kwargs['tvlambda']
self.tviter = 50 if 'tviter' not in kwargs else kwargs['tviter']
# these two settings work well for nVoxel=[254,254,254]
IterativeReconAlg.__init__(self, proj, geo, angles, niter, **kwargs)
# Override
def run_main_iter(self):
Goes through the main iteration for the given configuration.
:return: None
Quameasopts = self.Quameasopts
for i in range(self.niter):
res_prev = None
if Quameasopts is not None:
res_prev = copy.deepcopy(self.res)
if self.verbose:
getattr(self, self.dataminimizing)()
# print("run_main_iter: gpuids = {}", self.gpuids)
self.res = im3ddenoise(self.res, self.tviter, self.tvlambda, self.gpuids)
if Quameasopts is not None:
self.error_measurement(res_prev, i)
ossart_tv = decorator(OSSART_TV, name="ossart_tv")