MinTV failing at some geometries/GPUs

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Aparently this geometry with ASD_POCS fails in a TITAN V card:

nAngles = 720;

geo.DSD = 1703;                             % Distance Source Detector      (mm)
geo.DSO = 1433;                             % Distance Source Origin        (mm)
% Detector parameters
geo.nDetector=[2048; 2048]; % number of pixels              (px)
geo.dDetector=[0.0229; 0.0229]; % size of each pixel            (mm)
geo.sDetector=geo.nDetector.*geo.dDetector; % total size of the detector    (mm)
% Image parameters
geo.nVoxel=[2048;2048;2048];                   % number of voxels              (vx)

geo.sVoxel=[39.46;39.46;39.46];%[39.46;39.46;19.7317632];                   % total size of the image       (mm)  0.0192693 voxel size
geo.dVoxel=geo.sVoxel./geo.nVoxel;          % size of each voxel            (mm)
% Offsets          
geo.offOrigin =[0;0;0];                     % Offset of image from origin   (mm)  
geo.offDetector=[0; 0];                     % Offset of Detector            (mm)

Cannot test at the moment due to lack of large RAM machine