
installing error.

MaximkaSha opened this issue · 3 comments

I was not able to install n6.
Ubuntu Server 20.4
Docker version 20.10.8, build 3967b7d
docker-compose version 1.25.0, build unknown
git version 2.25.1
Python 3.8.10
Python 2.7.18

What I did.
Cloned git repository. While trying to build occured errors but images were built:

max@n6vm:~/n6/n6$ sudo docker images | grep n6
n6_worker latest 539acd3d1c38 13 minutes ago 1.33GB
n6_base latest 39c0850d1e87 13 minutes ago 1.32GB
n6_web latest ac3041e66f9c About an hour ago 1.55GB
n6_mysql latest 6579790207c2 4 hours ago 551MB
n6_rabbit latest aa653aa5a1c9 4 hours ago 250MB

I cant access admin page (4444/org) or any other n6 pages. But can access everything else, like rabbit or using n6 exec commands.
Intstall log in attachments

zuo commented

A new version, 3.0.0, will be released soon. Hopefully, after this release, the problem won't be present.

A new version, 3.0.0, will be released soon. Hopefully, after this release, the problem won't be present.

Probably to close.

zuo commented

This particular problem with installing should not occur after releasing the aforementioned versions 3.0.0 and 3.0.1.

Moreover, an upgrade to a new version, 3.12.0-beta2, was made recently.

So I close this ticket. If any problem with installation occurs, please do not hesitate to create a new issue.