
Experimenting with STOMP

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Hi guys,

I am playing with n6 docker installation to look into the STOMP connection. As there is no STOMP configuration set, I added a port to the docker-compose.yml:

      - 5671:5671 #  TLS connections
      - 5672:5672 #  TCP connections
      - 15671:15671 # WEB management
      - 15672:15672 # HTTP API
      - 61613:61613 # STOMP API

And I launched the STOMP plugin by modifying docker/rabbit/Dockerfile:

RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline \
    rabbitmq_management \
    rabbitmq_management_agent \
    rabbitmq_auth_mechanism_ssl \
    rabbitmq_federation \
    rabbitmq_federation_management \
    rabbitmq_shovel \
    rabbitmq_shovel_management \
    rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_stomp

Finally I used stomp.py to connect to the STOMP endpoint:

(teststomp) ➜  Play stomp -H localhost -P 61613    
> subscribe /exchange/event/sblam.spam
Subscribing to '/exchange/event/sblam.spam' with acknowledge set to 'auto', id set to '3'

But launching n6collector_sblamspam in the worker, I can see new events in the UI, but nothing on the STOMP endpoint. Do you have any pointers to configure smth like https://n6.readthedocs.io/usage/streamapi/ on the docker installation ?