netopeer2-server dont open port in openwrt
amenatcd opened this issue · 6 comments
I am using your netopeer2 2.1.16 with the following libraries:
libyang 2.1.80
sysrepo 2.1.42
libnetconf2 2.1.7
on openwrt master branch.
I have the problem that netopeer is not initialized completely.
I have managed to manually configure that netopeer2-server starts but the port is not open.
Could you possibly give me some advice on how to get the port open.
A test of netopeer 2.1.16 repo on Ubuntu 22.04 was successful and the port is also open there. It is not yet clear to me what the difference is between the configuration of Openwrt and Ubuntu.
Andre Menzel
Startlog netopeer2-server:
root@OpenWrt:/# netopeer2-server -v3 -d
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-inet-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-inet-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-datastores" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-datastores@2018-02-14.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-library" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-yang-library@2019-01-04.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "sysrepo-monitoring" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/sysrepo-monitoring@2021-07-29.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-datastores@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "sysrepo-plugind" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/sysrepo-plugind@2022-03-10.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-acm" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf@2013-09-29.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-metadata" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-yang-metadata@2016-08-05" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-with-defaults" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-with-defaults@2011-06-01.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-notifications" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-notifications@2012-02-06.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf@2013-09-29" is not used for import, revision "2013-09-29" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-origin" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-origin@2018-02-14.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-monitoring" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-monitoring@2010-10-04.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "notifications" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/notifications@2008-07-14.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "nc-notifications" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/nc-notifications@2008-07-14.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-tcp-common" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-tcp-common@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-tcp-client" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-tcp-client@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-tcp-server" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-tcp-server@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-tcp-common@2019-07-02" is not used for import, revision "2019-07-02" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-crypto-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-crypto-types@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-keystore" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-keystore@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "iana-crypt-hash" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/iana-crypt-hash@2014-08-06.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-ssh-common" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-ssh-common@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-x509-cert-to-name" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-x509-cert-to-name@2014-12-10.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-tls-common" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-tls-common@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-truststore" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-truststore@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-crypto-types@2019-07-02" is not used for import, revision "2019-07-02" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-tls-server" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-tls-server@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-nmda" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-nmda@2019-01-07.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-datastores@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf@2013-09-29" is not used for import, revision "2013-09-29" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-interfaces" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-interfaces@2018-02-20.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-ip" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-ip@2018-02-22.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-network-instance" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-network-instance@2019-01-21.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-interfaces@2018-02-20" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-20" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-ssh-server" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-ssh-server@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-keystore@2019-07-02" is not used for import, revision "2019-07-02" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-server" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-server@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-restconf" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-restconf@2017-01-26.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-subscribed-notifications" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-subscribed-notifications@2019-09-09.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-interfaces@2018-02-20" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-20" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-patch" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-yang-patch@2017-02-22.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-restconf@2017-01-26" is not used for import, revision "2017-01-26" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-push" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-yang-push@2019-09-09.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-datastores@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-restconf@2017-01-26" is not used for import, revision "2017-01-26" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: The ordered-by statement is ignored in lists representing notification content (/ietf-yang-push:push-change-update/datastore-changes/{uses='ypatch:yang-patch'}/yang-patch/edit).
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-yang-push:{grouping='datastore-criteria'}/{uses='selection-filter-objects'}/selection-filter/within-subscription/{uses='selection-filter-types'}/filter-spec/datastore-subtree-filter/datastorr
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-yang-push:{grouping='selection-filter-types'}/filter-spec/datastore-subtree-filter/datastore-subtree-filter
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-yang-push:{grouping='selection-filter-objects'}/selection-filter/within-subscription/{uses='selection-filter-types'}/filter-spec/datastore-subtree-filter/datastore-subtree-filter
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-yang-push:{augment='/sn:filters'}/ietf-yang-push:selection-filter/{uses='selection-filter-types'}/filter-spec/datastore-subtree-filter/datastore-subtree-filter
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-subscribed-notifications:filters/stream-filter/{uses='stream-filter-elements'}/filter-spec/stream-subtree-filter/stream-subtree-filter
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-yang-push:{augment='/sn:subscriptions/sn:subscription/sn:target'}/ietf-yang-push:datastore/{uses='datastore-criteria'}/{uses='selection-filter-objects'}/selection-filter/within-subscription/r
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions/subscription/{uses='subscription-policy'}/{uses='subscription-policy-dynamic'}/{uses='subscription-policy-modifiable'}/target/stream/stream-filter/withr
[INF]: LY: Missing explicit "deprecated" status specified in parent "subnet", inheriting for "prefix-length".
[INF]: LY: Missing explicit "deprecated" status specified in parent "subnet", inheriting for "netmask".
[INF]: SR: Connection 116 created.
[INF]: SR: Session 82 (user "root", CID 116) created.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-subscribed-notifications" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-keystore" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-truststore" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
root@OpenWrt:/etc/sysrepo# netstat -tuln
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 fe80::2e0:4cff:fe36:45f:53 :::* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 ::1:53 :::* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 :::80 :::* LISTEN
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0*
udp 0 0 :::161 :::*
udp 0 0 ::1:514 :::*
udp 0 0 ::1:53 :::*
udp 0 0 fe80::2e0:4cff:fe36:45f:53 :::*
I do not know how exactly are you installing the server but since you are cross-compiling, not with # make install
. Part of that command is executing scripts (in scripts
directory), which set the default configuration. So you have to do that manually, on the target device. You can then check the configuration using sysrepocfg -X -m ietf-netconf-server
Thanks, i have found it and it starts with open port.
I have another problem, when i try to connect with cli.
There is a parsing error for the private key.
Parsing private key ASN1 - ASN1 tag was of an unexpected value. See log below.
I try the generated config from merge_hostkey from openwrt in Ubuntu and there is no such error and it works there.
I have updated the libssl in openwrt to the latest version, but the problem is still there.
do you possibly have any advice, seems the problem is only openwrt related?
Thank you for your help!
root@OpenWrt:/etc/netopeer2/scripts# netopeer2-cli
> connect
nc ERROR: Starting the SSH session failed (Socket error: Connection reset by peer).
cmd_connect: Connecting to the localhost:830 as user "root" failed.
root@OpenWrt:/# netopeer2-server -v3 -d
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-inet-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-inet-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LN: Listening on for SSH connections.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-keystore" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-truststore" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from
[INF]: SR: Session 105 (user "root", CID 14) created.
[2024/08/15 09:26:30.481683, 1] pki_private_key_from_base64: Parsing private key ASN1 - ASN1 tag was of an unexpected value
[ERR]: LN: Failed to set hostkey "genkey" (/tmp/PjBkJI).
Um, I don't really have any advice. You will have to get a valid key somehow.
Is the generated key valid? It is generated by the openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 -outform PEM
command and stored in the keystore (sysrepocfg -X -m ietf-keystore
). If yes, then I am not sure where the problem is.
Yes, i have tested the config that come from on openwrt and is stored in TMPFILE.xml in Ubuntu.
In Ubuntu i have imported the xml config with
sysrepocfg --edit=TMPFILE.xml -d startup -f xml -m ietf-keystore -v2
sudo sysrepocfg -C startup -m ietf-keystore -v2
and checked the key with
sudo sysrepocfg -X -x "/ietf-keystore:keystore"
Then i connect to the netopeer2-server.
There is no such Problem.
Its only openwrt related.
Maybe there is an other Problem with libssh or kernel in openwrt.
is due to mbedtls, with openssl is working.
Thanks for your help very much.
root@OpenWrt:/# netopeer2-server -v3 -d
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-inet-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-inet-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-inet-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-yang-types@2013-07-15" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-datastores" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-datastores@2018-02-14.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-library" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-yang-library@2019-01-04.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "sysrepo-monitoring" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/sysrepo-monitoring@2021-07-29.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-datastores@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "sysrepo-plugind" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/sysrepo-plugind@2022-03-10.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-acm" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf@2013-09-29.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-metadata" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Newer revision than "ietf-yang-metadata@2016-08-05" not found, using this as the latest revision.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-with-defaults" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-with-defaults@2011-06-01.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-notifications" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-notifications@2012-02-06.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf@2013-09-29" is not used for import, revision "2013-09-29" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-origin" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-origin@2018-02-14.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-monitoring" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-monitoring@2010-10-04.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-nmda" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-nmda@2019-01-07.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-datastores@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf@2013-09-29" is not used for import, revision "2013-09-29" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "notifications" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/notifications@2008-07-14.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "nc-notifications" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/nc-notifications@2008-07-14.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-x509-cert-to-name" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-x509-cert-to-name@2014-12-10.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-crypto-types" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-crypto-types@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-keystore" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-keystore@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-truststore" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-truststore@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-crypto-types@2019-07-02" is not used for import, revision "2019-07-02" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-tcp-common" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-tcp-common@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-ssh-common" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-ssh-common@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "iana-crypt-hash" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/iana-crypt-hash@2014-08-06.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-ssh-server" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-ssh-server@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-tls-common" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-tls-common@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-tls-server" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-tls-server@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-keystore@2019-07-02" is not used for import, revision "2019-07-02" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-tcp-client" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-tcp-client@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-tcp-server" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-tcp-server@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-tcp-common@2019-07-02" is not used for import, revision "2019-07-02" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-netconf-server" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-netconf-server@2019-07-02.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-interfaces" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-interfaces@2018-02-20.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-ip" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-ip@2018-02-22.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-network-instance" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-network-instance@2019-01-21.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-interfaces@2018-02-20" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-20" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-restconf" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-restconf@2017-01-26.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-subscribed-notifications" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-subscribed-notifications@2019-09-09.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-interfaces@2018-02-20" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-20" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-patch" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-yang-patch@2017-02-22.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-restconf@2017-01-26" is not used for import, revision "2017-01-26" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Searching for "ietf-yang-push" in "/etc/sysrepo/yang".
[INF]: LY: Loading schema from "/etc/sysrepo/yang/ietf-yang-push@2019-09-09.yang" file.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-datastores@2018-02-14" is not used for import, revision "2018-02-14" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: Implemented module "ietf-restconf@2017-01-26" is not used for import, revision "2017-01-26" is imported instead.
[INF]: LY: The ordered-by statement is ignored in lists representing notification content (/ietf-yang-push:push-change-update/datastore-changes/{uses='ypatch:yang-patch'}/yang-patch/edit).
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-yang-push:{grouping='datastore-criteria'}/{uses='selection-filter-objects'}/selection-filter/within-subscription/{uses='selectionr
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-yang-push:{grouping='selection-filter-types'}/filter-spec/datastore-subtree-filter/datastore-subtree-filter
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-yang-push:{grouping='selection-filter-objects'}/selection-filter/within-subscription/{uses='selection-filter-types'}/filter-spec/r
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-yang-push:{augment='/sn:filters'}/ietf-yang-push:selection-filter/{uses='selection-filter-types'}/filter-spec/datastore-subtree-fr
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-subscribed-notifications:filters/stream-filter/{uses='stream-filter-elements'}/filter-spec/stream-subtree-filter/stream-subtree-fr
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-yang-push:{augment='/sn:subscriptions/sn:subscription/sn:target'}/ietf-yang-push:datastore/{uses='datastore-criteria'}/{uses='selr
[INF]: LY: Use of anydata to define configuration data is not recommended. /ietf-subscribed-notifications:subscriptions/subscription/{uses='subscription-policy'}/{uses='subscription-policy-dynamic'}/{uses='subsr
[INF]: LY: Missing explicit "deprecated" status specified in parent "subnet", inheriting for "prefix-length".
[INF]: LY: Missing explicit "deprecated" status specified in parent "subnet", inheriting for "netmask".
[INF]: SR: Connection 174 created.
[INF]: SR: Session 17 (user "root", CID 174) created.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-subscribed-notifications" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: LN: Listening on for SSH connections.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-server" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-keystore" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-truststore" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: SR: Triggering "ietf-netconf-acm" "done" event on enabled data.
[INF]: LN: Accepted a connection on from
[INF]: SR: Session 47 (user "root", CID 174) created.
[INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-service" of subtype "ssh-userauth".
[INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "none".
[INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "interactive".
[INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-auth" of subtype "interactive".
[WRN]: LN: User authentication successful with an empty password!
[INF]: LN: User "root" authenticated.
[INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel-open" of subtype "session".
[INF]: LN: Received an SSH message "request-channel" of subtype "subsystem".
[INF]: SR: Session 48 (user "root", CID 174) created.
[INF]: SR: There are no subscribers for "ietf-netconf-notifications" notifications.
[INF]: NP: Generated new event (netconf-session-start).
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-netconf@" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 2 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-netconf-acm@2018-02-14" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-yang-metadata@2016-08-05" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-yang-library@2019-01-04" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-datastores@" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 2 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-netconf-nmda@" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 2 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-origin@" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 3 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-netconf-with-defaults@2011-06-01" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 3 event new RPC.
[INF]: SR: Published event "rpc" "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" with ID 1 priority 0 for 1 subscribers.
[INF]: SR: Processing "/ietf-netconf-nmda:get-data" "rpc" event with ID 1 priority 0 (remaining 1 subscribers).
[INF]: SR: Successful processing of "rpc" event with ID 1 priority 0 (remaining 0 subscribers).
[INF]: SR: Event "rpc" with ID 1 priority 0 succeeded.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 3 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "sysrepo@2021-10-08" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 2 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "sysrepo-monitoring@2021-07-29" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 2 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "sysrepo-plugind@2022-03-10" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 2 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-netconf-notifications@2012-02-06" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 0 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "notifications@2008-07-14" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "nc-notifications@2008-07-14" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-x509-cert-to-name@2014-12-10" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-crypto-types@2019-07-02" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 3 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-keystore@2019-07-02" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 0 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-truststore@2019-07-02" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-tcp-common@2019-07-02" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 3 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-ssh-common@2019-07-02" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 3 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "iana-crypt-hash@2014-08-06" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 4 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-ssh-server@2019-07-02" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 0 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-tls-common@2019-07-02" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 2 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-tls-server@2019-07-02" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 2 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-tcp-client@2019-07-02" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 4 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-tcp-server@2019-07-02" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 0 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-netconf-server@2019-07-02" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 0 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-interfaces@2018-02-20" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 3 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-ip@2018-02-22" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 4 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-network-instance@2019-01-21" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 1 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-restconf@2017-01-26" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 0 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-subscribed-notifications@2019-09-09" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 0 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-yang-patch@2017-02-22" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 2 event new RPC.
[INF]: LN: Session 1: Schema "ietf-yang-push@2019-09-09" was requested.
[INF]: NP: Session 1: thread 4 event new RPC.