
Feature Request (Screen space porjection snaping)

robotninjatoast opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey guys, wasn't to sure how to put a feature request in. So I hope this is correct.

Currently, the way verts snap to the reference geo is based on reference mesh normals/proximity. this is great for so use cases but it can be a bit of a hindrance on meshes that have thickness or a composed of multiple different meshes. it means when laying out topology the verts ofter can crash through the mesh and selecting the crashed vert is impossible as the reference mesh occludes its selection. the workaround for this is exiting retopoflow and selecting the vert in edit mode and transposing it to the outer surface of the mesh bounds. I good solution to this would be adding a screen space projection snapping method similar to Topogun. this means that if I select a vert it will always project to the reference mesh based on its position on the screen. in addition to this shading for the retopo topology may have to be modified similarly to topogun so that the topology that has it normals facing towards the camera cannot be occluded by the reference mesh, so that you can still select the verts even if the have crashed into the underside of the reference mesh. this would also allow for a more fluid workflow where say an artist is working on and chest armour that has complex non-form fitting shapes, the artist can draw very quickly animation-ready topology overtop not worrying about the complexity of the object have the verts snap in screen space and then use the Knife tool/poly pen to cut in the shape over the top, witch means you always have those animation ready edge loops. I hope that makes sense! I'm not the best at explaining stuff. But retopoflow has the best topology tools out of all the Retopo tools. it is just the vert snapping that's holding it back from besting topogun I think