
Beamwidth scaling factor inverted?

leewujung opened this issue · 0 comments

It seems that the scaling of beamwidth (beam_width_alongship and beam_width_athwartship) based on the center frequency of each ping wrt the nominal frequency of a given channel is inverted here?

if param_name in ['beam_width_alongship', 'beam_width_athwartship']:
new_data[idx] = param_data * (frequency[idx] / config_obj['transducer_frequency'])

In the above implementation, the higher the center frequency, the larger the beamwidth, which is the opposite of what should happen.

As a contrast, the scaling of angle_sensitivity_athwartship and angle_sensitivity_athwartship (proportional to the wavenumber) is correct:

new_data[idx] = config_obj[param_name] * (frequency[idx] /

In the above implementation, the higher the center frequency, the higher the sensitivity, as expected.