Extra row when use combine index maps method
Closed this issue · 2 comments
anderjoc commented
There is a blank space in the index file which is being counted as an extra row. As seen in the following copy of the code:
Parallel version of GSSHA (5.7a) with SCE (OpenMP), 2 total threads.
reading run parameters from project file: Park City Basic Combo Test.prj
Checking 2D grid mapping tables...
G&A Infiltration...................Y
G&A Soil Moisture..................Y
Multi layer G&A Infiltration.......N
Richards Havercamp.................N
Richards Brooks....................N
Sediment Erosion Properties........N
Overland Boundary..................N
Groundwater Wells..................N
Groundwater Boundary...............N
Area Reduction.....................N
NSM Nitrogen.......................N
NSM Phosphorus.....................N
NSM Other..........................N
NSM Carbon.........................N
NSM Dispersion.....................N
NSM Soil Carbon....................N
NSM Soil Nitrogen..................N
NSM Soil Phosphorus................N
NSM Groundwater Nitrogen...........N
NSM Groundwater Phosphorus.........N
NSM Groundwater Other..............N
NSM Soil Km........................N
NSM Soil Koc.......................N
Checking stream mapping table file...
NSM Nitrogen.......................N
NSM Phosphorus.....................N
NSM Carbon.........................N
NSM Other..........................N
finished reading project file
reading watershed mask from file: Park City Basic Combo Test.msk
number of grid cells in watershed: 2249
reading elevation map from file: Park City Basic Combo Test.ele
outlet is in grid cell: 145
Index ID exceeds table limit, file: combo.idx [row 2:col 58]
reading saturated hydraulic conductivity table and map from the master table file
reading capillary drive map from the master table file
reading porosity table and map from the master table file
reading pore distribution index map from master table file
reading residual saturation map from the master table file
reading soil moisture table and map from the master table file
In map soil.idx category 11 has 2249 values
anderjoc commented
It appears that this problem stems from having too large of values in the index map
anderjoc commented
The problem should be solved now that we cycle through the values and reassign them to smaller values.