msec not allowed to be set to non-zero values for initial runs
zarzycki opened this issue · 4 comments
In this block of code, is there a reason why msec is not initialized (well, set to something other than the default of 0)?
In CESM, I have found ESMF chokes with async clocks if START_TOD is not = 0 (e.g., a 12Z initialization of CAM-MPAS). I have gotten around this by modifying ice_comp_nuopc.F90:
call abort_ice(subname//' :: ERROR idate lt zero')
myear = (idate/10000) ! integer year of basedate
mmonth= (idate-myear*10000)/100 ! integer month of basedate
mday = idate-myear*10000-mmonth*100 ! day of month of basedate
msec = start_tod
which alleviates the issue and synchronizes the clocks and permits the run to complete, but I'm not sure if there's a particular design choice to omit setting msec I am ignoring.
Thanks Colin. I guess we have not needed a time of day start time. This is a good suggestion and I will look to implement it.
Adding @DeniseWorthen to this one. How is UFS handling the curr_tod and start_tod?
The suggested change looks correct, ACCESS don't use part days for anything much at this point, so we haven't had this issue.
@dabail10 Let me look into this. We regularly run at non-zero start_tod values (hr=6 etc).
W/o looking at the code, I wonder if it is because we always have the _init
times set in ice_in
? So, for initial time of 06z, we have sec_init = 21600