
Incorrect fit to real component of RMSF

Closed this issue · 2 comments -> Line 318: Fit should be made to RMSFArr not RMSFcube. See diff for correction below:

diff --git a/RMutils/ b/RMutils/
index 7a3cbcf..435cdc8 100644
--- a/RMutils/
+++ b/RMutils/
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ def get_rmsf_planes(lambdaSqArr_m2, phiArr_radm2, weightArr=None, mskArr=None,
             if verbose:
                 log("Fitting Gaussian to the main lobe.")
             if fitRMSFreal:
-                mp = fit_rmsf(phi2Arr, RMSFcube.real)
+                mp = fit_rmsf(phi2Arr, RMSFArr.real)
                 mp = fit_rmsf(phi2Arr, np.abs(RMSFArr))
             if mp is None or mp.status<1:

@Cameron-Van-Eck I think this bug still exists in the current release. I've also noticed that the same lines are repeated further down in Are you able to check where RMSFcube and RMSFarr are meant to be used?

Fixed today! Not fixing this sooner came to bite me, since it caused me issues in a different issue I'm tracking down. So shame on me for not fixing it sooner? Fitting the real part of the RMSF now seems to work as intended.