Cannot Access localhost:7000 on AIL VM
phoenixml opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi All,
I really appreciate if anyone can assist I am new to AIL after a lot of battling in installing I decided first to stop tying and use the VM or the OVA version to maybe I can first test AIL and understand better its ecosystem then I retry to install it.
So after downloading OVA I tired to access the localhost or my local IP and lunch the app but no luck and it seems AIL not running despite that on the start of the machine is telling me all the services are up.
To confirm that flask is running i tired to start it from bin/Launch -m and selected Flask from the option and it tells me the launcher is up.
Next to see if the port 7000 is already used I ran a simplehttpserver 7000 and my server works meaning that I dont have a network issue and it also telling me that no app is using port 7000 which supposedly to be AIL. Any ideas how to proceed?
I also reviewed the open issues and closed maybe I can see my answer there no luck.
I also tried screen -r Flask_AIL
this is the results wondering if this will stop AIL app from running ?
should I start it from the virutal Env instead ?
Your assistance is appreciated Thank you.
ok so it is something in the VM itself that require to be adjusted, I added a gui into ubuntu and now accessing from localhost will close this issue.