
Support for Vision API

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Any plans for Vision API? (https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/vision)

If no, because I need it pretty fast, I will develop using JCrafter as the base code.
I'll be glad to give you all the code, I'll just appreciate to be cited as contributor.


Any plans for Vision API?

To my knowledge, this is already possible using this repo, but I've never gotten around to testing the file upload process with vision.

I'll be glad to give you all the code, I'll just appreciate to be cited as contributor.

Contributions are always welcome! If you use GitHub to make a PR, it will automatically add all your commits to your profile. Also, your profile will be added to the contributors list with every single change you've made. GitHub handles that. Did you have some other citation in mind?