

jestercore opened this issue · 4 comments

It is not necessary to use so much drivers.
It should be enough to use only these: OpenRuntime.efi, HfsPlus.efi, and OpenCanopy.efi.

And we don't need any EFI/OC/Tools, because they make boot slower, but needed only for debug purposes.

Also T450/T450s/x250 don't have any I2C devices, light sensors, or NVMe, so we don't need: VoodooI2C.kext, VoodooI2CHID.kext, SMCLightSensor.kext, and NVMeFix.kext.

Please take a look!

It is not necessary to use so much drivers. It should be enough to use only these: OpenRuntime.efi, HfsPlus.efi, and OpenCanopy.efi.

And we don't need any EFI/OC/Tools, because they make boot slower, but needed only for debug purposes.

Also T450/T450s/x250 don't have any I2C devices, light sensors, or NVMe, so we don't need: VoodooI2C.kext, VoodooI2CHID.kext, SMCLightSensor.kext, and NVMeFix.kext.

Please take a look!

Feel sorry! I don't have time to follow and update this repository right now, you can trim down this EFI file to your liking.
But you have to pay attention:

  1. VoodooI2C.kext and VoodooI2CHID.kext are used to drive the touch screen.
  2. SMCLightSensor.kext This is really useless.
  3. NVMeFix.kext is used to drive nvme hard drives in Thinkpad X1 Carbon 3rd Gen (2015).
  1. VoodooI2C.kext and VoodooI2CHID.kext are used to drive the touch screen.
  2. SMCLightSensor.kext This is really useless.
  3. NVMeFix.kext is used to drive nvme hard drives in Thinkpad X1 Carbon 3rd Gen (2015).

Thank you so much for your answer.
Also, could you please explain where did you got ACPI's, or how you compiled them?
This repo
for example, have very different set of them.

Me, following Dortania OpenCore guide, collected only 4 ACPI's.

Friendly Reminder for Broadwell ThinkPad users (T450, T450s, x250, X1CG3 - ALC292) - try to use AppleALC layout 15.
It allows you to choose which microphone to use when you have headset connected.
Also, there is no hissing issues even without CodecCommander.kext or ALCplugfix utility.
But these laptops have hardware limitation: Speakers cannot work, if you have Headphones connected, even with Manual Mode. When you plug in the headphones, you'll need to change the output by yourself in MacOS sound settings.

CLAYBIOS your repository is great, and I greatly appreciate your work! But I have a quick question. You said:
NVMeFix.kext is used to drive nvme hard drives in Thinkpad X1 Carbon 3rd Gen (2015).
Can this also make NVME drives work in Monterey on a T450s?