
Base Year update: review zone system in model

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current zone system is combination of CMAP MZ, FAF 3, and countries in international trade data. Need to review/revise to incorporate TAZ for firm synthesis and updates FAF zoning where relevant or at least clarity on the zone structure vintage.

Can move to the standard approach used in the rFreight based models of using a TAZ_System input file. Predefine this based on FAF, MZ, and TAZ files with scripted build from shapes.

Currently incorporate the TAZ system file for the CMAP model region from the CSVM, need to simplify the number of files describing the large model zones system

Converted to a single TAZ system input which used a complete set of TAZs, Mesozones, domestic FAF zones, and countries (those represented in the trade data). Includes fields to support creating any correspondences on the fly (e.g., county to FAF)