Orbital error generation is too high?
jesscag opened this issue · 1 comments
After generating a swath based on the example and using the build in AVISO sample data I noticed that the orbital noise added to the swath is far too high.
The left hand image is the 'truth' from the product.simulated_true_ssh_karin
and the right hand image is karin SSH with all errors/noise generated product.ssh_karin
These swaths were generated using:
configuration = swot_simulator.settings.template(python = True)
parameters = swot_simulator.settings.Parameters(configuration)
parameters.ssh_plugin = swot_simulator.plugins.ssh.AVISO(swot_simulator.DATA)
After removing the orbital noise error and utilizing the corrected roll the swath looks much more realistic
Where the left is truth and the right is product.ssh_karin
These swaths were generated using:
configuration = swot_simulator.settings.template(python = True)
parameters = swot_simulator.settings.Parameters(configuration)
parameters.ssh_plugin = swot_simulator.plugins.ssh.AVISO(swot_simulator.DATA)
parameters.noise = ['Altimeter', 'Karin', 'BaselineDilation', 'WetTroposphere', 'Timing', 'CorrectedRollPhase']
When looked at alone, the swath with only orbital error looks like:
Is it possible I am implementing this error wrong or is the signal from this error too strong?
I also encountered the same problem, and after removing the orbiral error, the roll error is still quite large. How do you solve this?