
How to use 'swot_simulator.plugins.ssh.hycom'?

Mingzhi-Sun opened this issue · 3 comments

I would like to use HYCOM (HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12° Reanalysis (GLBu0.08/expt_19.1)) to simulate SWOT observations, but the data format I downloaded does not meet the requirements of the swot_simulator. However, the manual has few instructions on the input data format.
Can you provide an example of HYCOM for swot_simlator? Just like the example from AVISO in swot_simulator. Many thanks!

Sorry for the delay, I was without internet connection. Can you provide netcdf files (few days of data) so that I can help you write the plugin to read your data? There are many examples of reader plugins in swot_simulator/plugins/ssh

Thank you very much for your reply.
The data I used was downloaded from the HYCOM website . The netCDF file in the zip contains only four variables (lon, lat, surf_el, time), and the netCDF was trimmed when downloaded.You can download the data here. Thank you again for your help.

The plugin for your model is already available, you can replace the following line in your configuration file with:
#`The plug-in handling the SSH interpolation under the satellite swath
ssh_plugin = swot_simulator.plugins.ssh.HYCOM('your_data_path')

your_data_path being the path to your model data

Let me know if it works for you