RuntimeError: Time series does not have a constant step between two grids
ezaron opened this issue · 4 comments
I noticed that the example AVISO files supplied with the package contain only a single time slice per file. Is this necessary, or can I have multiple time slices within a file?
I am trying to use the swot_simulator with model output data which are organized into netcdf files containing one month of data, so I am receiving the following error:
RuntimeError: Time series does not have a constant step between two grids: {numpy.timedelta64(2678400,'s'), numpy.timedelta64(2419200,'s'), numpy.timedel\
ta64(2505600,'s'), numpy.timedelta64(2592000,'s'), numpy.timedelta64(86659200,'s'), numpy.timedelta64(81475200,'s'), numpy.timedelta64(42163200,'s'), numpy.t\
imedelta64(44668800,'s'), numpy.timedelta64(84153600,'s'), numpy.timedelta64(10540800,'s'), numpy.timedelta64(5270400,'s')} seconds
Attached are my plugin and the ncdump -h from a sample file. I can split my input files into 1-per-day or 1-per-time-slice, but I would like to avoid this if possible.
Indeed, if you want to use the AVISO reader, you must have a time step for each file to process.
It's possible to process your files without splitting them, but in this case, you will have to open all the files to be processed to determine the time series to process. This series will be used to select the files needed for the interpolation.
If you can send me a link containing an example with two files, I can send you an example code to process your files.
Hi Frederic: Did you receive my email with the links to the files? I replied to the email (rather than using this forum), and I'm not sure if it used the correct address.
I'm trying to use the swot simulator with model output data like ezaron. My model is also ROMS, could you send me this plugin too?
The plugin to read these grids is in the plugin/ssh directory in the nz file, if I remember correctly.