Make it possible to query multiple types of DataEntity in a single call

COCPORN opened this issue · 0 comments

We want this (from

This makes it simple to create logical entities that are partially and lazily loaded on demand. Also, this extends to being able to fetch multiple entities in a single HTTP call [WIP]:

### Multi entity fetch
GET http://localhost:9000/data/User,Contacts/Id1

That is, we want to be able to comma-separate DataEntity-types to do a server-side fan-out. We also want this:

### Multi entity fetch
GET http://localhost:9000/data/User,Contacts/Id1,Id2,Id3

To do a multi-dimensional fan-out.

Suggested return format (single ID):

   "User": {
     // User-result
   "Contacts": {
     // Contacts-result

Suggested return format (multiple IDs):

      "User": {
        // User-result
      "Contacts": {
        // Contacts-result
   // ...

...where the position matches the ID-position in the query string, the same way the currently implemented multi-fetch does it.