Portal: Add an Announcements Section that Department Heads can Add To
Opened this issue · 10 comments
This is a (small) epic that should arguably get additional stories, but for now, to capture thoughts about it that come out of a discussion with the Strategic committee:
1] Heads and Directors can add their announcements
2] Announcements are displayed blog/stack style (newest first)
3] Portal users can subscribe/unsubscribe to be notified when an announcement is added
3 above may be the final thing that gets me to do the work from my side to get Mailgun/Mailchimp/etc set up for us to use, but especially now that we have mail-delivery modularised, implementation does not need to wait on that--it's an operational detail.
Are announcements con wide? Department wide? Configurable?
Who should have what power? Can Directors make announcements for departments under their division? If announcements are con wide who can make con wide announcements?
Do announcements trickle down? Up? As in if Department B has and announcement does it show for Division A if Division A is B's parent? Vis versa?
Do announcements expire? Or are then in place until manually removed?
Subscriptions on by default? Off?
Am I overthinking this?
Good questions! You are overthinking a little, but only because you usually don't attend concom meetings. I'm envisioning this as an adjunct to how we announce things at concom, so all announcements would be visible to anyone on concom. Permissions similar to deadlines: Directors can add announcements pertinent to any of their departments; department heads can add announcements only for their own department; everyone can see them.
Actually, as a baseline, making 'Deadlines' and 'Announcements' two different categories that otherwise use more or less the same code might be an approach to take, since I think of them similarly, at least, for MVP.
I was thinking something similar.
Oh sorry, MVP raise my neck hairs. Client of "Disaster of a project" here at day job keeps using that phrase when them mean "Cheap as possible"
Only piece of this left is subscriptions/email notification.
Added to GitHub.
I mean added to the PivotalTracker.
Can we close this issue in GitHub?
If it has been shifted to Pivotal then yes!