
On choosing a good repo name

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The Setting up a Blog page links to the template fork page page (with hypertext "using this template"). At first, I named my forked repo blog. But after I cloned it, I didn't like this name, because the name of the repo is the default name of the folder (when cloned with GitKraken). I want the folder name to be more descriptive, both for me and for anyone else that clones my repo, so I renamed it to tyson-williams-blog.

I don't think it's necessary to make a change based on this feedback, but I thought it could be helpful to share it anyway. No worries if this is too minor, and the issue gets closed straight away.

If you did want to make a change, maybe provide a default suggestion for the blog name in the "Setting up a blog" page or maybe even auto-populate the text box for the blog name...if GitHub supports that.

A reasonable default/suggestion might be {GitHub username}-blog or maybe a different separating character like ..

@bender2k14 I couldn't find any documentation on how to propose names for repositories that are being generated from a template. will add a hint to the blog management page though.