
Github handles are converted to lowercase

Hitansh-Shah opened this issue · 5 comments

The github handle provided by user are displayed in lowercase in user profile. Though "" will take to correct github profile even by randomly changing the case of any letter in the username string, I guess it will be more appropriate if we show the exact github username provided by user.

Hi, @Hitansh-Shah! Sorry I didn't get what you are trying to say. Can you elaborate or give an example?

Screenshot from 2021-10-14 21-27-54

Hi, @Hitansh-Shah! Sorry I didn't get what you are trying to say. Can you elaborate or give an example?

So for example, I provided my github handle which is "Hitansh-Shah" but under profile "hitansh-shah" is being displayed.

Got it! Can do that 👍

const handle: string = (
document.getElementById("handle") as HTMLInputElement
.split(" ")

The problem is caused by line 51 and could be solved by simply removing it. However as I do not have knowledge of Django, I don't know if that toLowerCase() is there for a purpose.
Can someone please confirm if the toLowerCase() is written on purpose?

That was basically to avoid unnecessary cases in username when a user accidentally keeps their caps lock turned on. But since we have encountered one such case, we can turn this off.