
utils.music.get_time_maps_from_alignment removed from API without updating partitura.readthedocs.io

Opened this issue · 3 comments

The example code from here has not been updated so when running it with the latest version of Partitura it produces the following error:

AttributeError: module 'partitura.utils.music' has no attribute 'get_time_maps_from_alignment'

It appears that get_time_maps_from_alginment has been completely removed from the API instead of being deprecated so it is unclear which method to use in its place.

Good catch! The method was moved to the performance_codec module (in musicanalysis) and can be accessed as follows:

from partitura.musicanalysis.performance_codec import get_time_maps_from_alignment

We'll update the tutorial and have a deprecation notification in utils.music to fix this issue.

Thanks for your swift reply! I am now able to run the code from the tutorial and recreate the plot using match files from the Vienna 4x22 Piano Corpus.


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