
Accept a sequence of variable names

sin3000x opened this issue · 2 comments

While creating an array of variables x0, x1, x2 = intvar(0, 10, shape=3, name='x'), it's fine to have the name of x0 as 'x[0]', x1 as 'x[1]' and so on.

However, if the name is given as a sequence (of the same length of the array), it would be convenient to assign the name to each variable accordingly, rather than use indexing.

E.g., x, y = intvar(0, 10, shape=2, name=['x', 'y']) should give x the name 'x' and y the name 'y', but we have "['x', 'y'][0]" and "['x', 'y'][1]" currently, which is less readable...

tias commented

I have been thinking about that, but I was held back because strings are enumerable so finding cases in which a string can be guessed to be a list of chars might mess up everything; unless of course we explicitly check that it is instance list/tuple as in your example, and that the dimensions map the shape. Then we can do things like x,y = intvar(0,10, shape=2, name=list("xy")) which would be nice in some of our lecture examples too...

We would accept such a change, do you want to give it a try (cpmpy/expressions/variables.py) and submit a pull request?

Thanks for your reply. Things might be a bit tricky for higher dimensions (I haven't thought it through yet), but I'd be happy to give it a try when I have some time.