
Helper method to compare `FunctionType`s without checking extension sets.

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The PartialEq implementation of FunctionType checks that the extension_reqs of both signatures is the same, in addition to the input/output types.

I find myself writing

if s1.input == other.input && s1.output == other.output { ... }

multiple times, when I don't care about mismatching extensions.

We could add a FunctionType::same_types(&self, other) -> bool method or something similar for these comparisons.

I wonder if we should just impl Eq for FunctionType and ignore the delta when the extension_inference feature is off?

It's not only about extension_inference.

In tket2 we have multiple occurrences where we don't care about the extensions used inside a definition but only about the actual types coming in an out.

This is normally the case when validating rewrite operations. E.g.

Hmmmm, in that case the thing you are comparing against really isn't a(nother) FunctionType, but a (TypeRow, TypeRow) or just two TypeRows, right?

So you could add FunctionType::get_io(&self) -> (&TypeRow, &TypeRow), say, and then....whether you wanted equal_io(&self, other: (&TypeRow, &TypeRow)) as well, I dunno

Sure, get_io would work and may come useful in more general cases.

For a rewrite, we'd expect the replacement to have (same or fewer) requirements, right? So other.inputs == self.inputs && other.outputs == self.outputs && other.extension_reqs.is_subset(self.extension_reqs) ? That could be a method itself...

But might lead to all sorts of awkward questions about covariance/contravariance - what if the return type is a (higher-order) function (value), are we allowed to reduce the extension requirements of that, etc.... get_io (probably) avoids anyone worrying about that :)

we'd expect the replacement to have (same or fewer) requirements

Not necessarily. The example I wrote is part of stitching chunks of a circuit back after being updated. We can do whatever we want with those chunks as long as the signatures(' rows!) match.

we'd expect the replacement to have (same or fewer) requirements

Not necessarily. The example I wrote is part of stitching chunks of a circuit back after being updated. We can do whatever we want with those chunks as long as the signatures(' rows!) match.

If this is post-extension-inference, and you increase the delta, you'll have to update the parent/ancestors (unless they were already loose-upper-bounds that included the new delta!), which could be non-trivial (e.g. updating a FuncDefn requires recursively increasing delta of Calls). So, be warned....(a separate issue though)