
How to run Lua code in buf/tab/etc

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Hello, thank you for your great plugin.
I have a question: when I run my python code I can see output in tab/buf/toggleterm etc
but when I run Lua code it's just this

my config looks like this (I use Packer):

    config = function()
            -- put here the commands by filetype
            startinsert = false,
            filetype = {
                java = "cd $dir && javac $fileName && java $fileNameWithoutExt",
                lua = "lua",
                python = "python3 -u",
                typescript = "deno run",
                rust = "cd $dir && rustc $fileName && $dir/$fileNameWithoutExt",
                javascript = "node",
                shellscript = "bash",

How to run Lua code in buf/tab not in this notification kinda looking window?

Looks like my config was broken, I did something and now it works as I wanted :D