
Mode for specific project is broken after recent update

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I've update to the latest commit and my configuration for project specific mode is broken.

    startinsert = true,
    filetype = {
        c = "gcc --std=c11 -g -Wall $file && $dir/a.out",
        cpp = "g++ --std=c++14 -g -Wall $file && $dir/a.out",
        ruby = "ruby $file",
        python = "python3 $fileName",
    project = {
        ["~/Repos/"] = {
            name = "json parser",
            command = "make && ./build/json",
            mode = "tab"

my error, I did not expand the paths of the projects in the following commit I correct it

Could you please try again, thank you very much

All function currectly now.