
using new filetype

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i can use the code runner on py files successfully. The issue is i have a python file with pyt extension (from a third party application i support) and i can't run it via code runner. How can i define a new file extension (pyt here) in the config instead of filetype?
fyi, I have added the file type in neovim polish function and pyright lsp recognizes it as python correctly.

code runner config:

return {
  enabled = true,
  event = "VeryLazy",
  init = function() require("which-key").register({ ["<leader>r"] = { name = "Code Runner" } }, { mode = "n" }) end,
  opts = {
    mode = "float", --"toggle", "float", "tab", "toggleterm" 
    focus = true,
    term = {
      position = "bot",
      size = 25,
    float = {
      border = "single",
      height = 0.7,
      width = 0.5,
    filetype = {
      python = "C:/Users/asharaf/AppData/Local/ESRI/conda/envs/arcgispro-py3-clone/python.exe"
      -- python = "C:/Python27/ArcGIS10.8/python.exe"
  keys = {
    { "<leader>rr", "<cmd>RunCode<cr>",    desc = "Run Code" },
    { "<leader>rf", "<cmd>RunFile<cr>",    desc = "Run File" },
    -- { "<leader>rft", "<cmd>RunFile tab<cr>", desc = "Run File Tab" },
    { "<leader>rp", "<cmd>RunProject<cr>", desc = "Run Project" },
    { "<leader>rc", "<cmd>RunClose<cr>",   desc = "Run Close" },
    -- { "<leader>crf", "<cmd>CRFiletype<cr>", desc = "Open Json supported files" },
    -- { "<leader>crp", "<cmd>CRProject<cr>", desc = "Open Json list of projects" },

neovim new filetype config:

return {
  polish = function()
    -- Set up custom filetypes
    vim.filetype.add {
      extension = {
        pyt = "python",
    --   filename = {
    --     ["Foofile"] = "fooscript",
    --   },
    --   pattern = {
    --     ["~/%.config/foo/.*"] = "fooscript",
    --   },

it is working fine now, so i close this.