
Have an option to remember friend's swarm when they are offline

Opened this issue · 1 comments

It would be nice, for a small f2f, to be able to remember the filenames of peers that have gone offline. This would be useful so that you can still search and start downloading them even when there currently is no valid source. This is for the case where the peers are personal computers that are not always on. Obviously there would be a timeout (48h?) after which you forget this info. You would need to display it too (on Transfer and on search results).

Other thing I found out, that seems to me to be a bug :

  • peer A start download of file Y from peer B
  • peer B goes offline
  • peer C searches for file Y and cannot find anything although it is in peer A (not full version though)

the behavior you describe is intentional -- we wanted to avoid a bunch of people all trying to download the same file and hanging if a complete copy is no longer available.

that said, remembering that a seed has been around recently and returning results for a brief time would be an improvement in some cases