
Resolving infinite loop while using withConverter

jaytavares opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm trying to use the useDocumentData hook with a firestore data converter but am having trouble with infinite loops. Discussion in #158 suggested that I would have to declare the converter outside of the React component; however, I can't do that since the document path is dependent on app state that is only available from within the component.

Existing code (Causes infinite loop):

const QuickBooksSettings = (props: QuickBooksSettingsProps) => {
  const { business } = useAppState()

  const [value, loading, error] = useDocumentData(
    ).withConverter(convertTo<QuickBooksIntegrationDocument>()), // <--- problem line
      snapshotListenOptions: { includeMetadataChanges: false }

  // . . .

  return (
    !loading && (
      // . . . 

export default QuickBooksSettings

Suggested solution from #158 (Impossible due to inaccessible variable):

// ERROR: business.bid not available
const ref = doc(getFirestore(),

const QuickBooksSettings = (props: QuickBooksSettingsProps) => {
  const { business } = useAppState()

  const [value, loading, error] = useDocumentData(
      snapshotListenOptions: { includeMetadataChanges: false }

  // . . .
  return (
    !loading && (
      // . . . 

export default QuickBooksSettings

Attempted solution (Still causes infinite loop):

function getRef(bid: string) {
  return doc(

const QuickBooksSettings = (props: QuickBooksSettingsProps) => {
  const { business } = useAppState()

  const [value, loading, error] = useDocumentData(getRef(business.bid)), // <-- refactor into helper func; PROBLEM: Still causes infinite loop
      snapshotListenOptions: { includeMetadataChanges: false }

  // . . .
  return (
    !loading && (
      // . . . 

export default QuickBooksSettings

Any thoughts on how I can still use the converter with this document reference?

Your issue is that convertTo<QuickBooksIntegrationDocument>() creates a new instance of the converter each time. Rather than pulling out the whole doc construction, you can simply pull the converter creation out to a variable as so:

const converter = convertTo<QuickBooksIntegrationDocument>();

const QuickBooksSettings = (props: QuickBooksSettingsProps) => {
  const { business } = useAppState()

  const ref = doc(getFirestore(),

  const [value, loading, error] = useDocumentData(
      snapshotListenOptions: { includeMetadataChanges: false }

  // . . .
  return (
    !loading && (
      // . . . 

export default QuickBooksSettings

@chrisbianca 👏 Perfect. Thanks!