
Infinit recursion in subclass function.

recursive-beast opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm trying to get sql-bricks to work on an old environment, specifically Classic ASP using JScript as the scripting language ( javascript in es3 spec ).

everything is working fine when I'm using the standalone library, but when I'm using the mysql-bricks extension, I get an error indicating an "out of stack space" error.

After a day and a half of trying to fix the problem, I discovered that the problem is coming from the subclass function. The this value inside cls seems to cause the issue, If I try to print it every time cls is called here's the result:

function cls() { if(this === Function("return this")()){ Response.Write("global object" + "
"); }else{ Response.Write(this + "
"); } if (!(this instanceof cls)) return applyNew(cls, arguments); base.apply(this, arguments); }

global object

global object

... (Trancated)

global object

Microsoft JScript runtime error '800a001c'

Out of stack space


The first time, this is cls itself, then it's always the global object, which makes the condition !(this instanceof cls) always true, because applyNew gets called recursively, which in turn calls cls with a this value set to null (global object).

I'm not sure why does this happen, maybe you could shed some light on this?

False alarm.

There are two versions of Function.prototype.bind polyfills in the MDN website:

  • The first one that doesn't support the new keyword, which is the one that's causing this to be the global object.
  • The second one supports it.

I was working with the first one.