
Multiple Vertical slides

ptomislav opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi guys,

I have been using this slider a lot, i like its functionality and can handle most of the changes i want, but recently i stumbled to one problem.
Its not possible to have multiple vertical slides. So for example if you set vertical to true and add multiple slides it wont work as it normally does, it actually has no effect at all.

I am not javascript expert but theoretically wouldn't that be easy to add?
Whatever you are doing when calculating the width of the slides and slider holder when using multiple slides should just be done for the height aswell? I would really like to see this feature soon.

If you cant add this functionality, then at least point me somehow to do it on my own i would appreciate it alot.


Mottie, let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I was able to get this to work for my needs, but I can't guarantee my changes aren't limiting functionality that I'm not using.

@DigitalKayak would you be able to somehow help me with this before Mottie releases this in the next version - at least i hope he will :)

Is it easy as i think it is by modifying the main JS file to add the functionality to calculate the height of the slider holder depending on how many multiple slides you have chosen?

As i said, i am not JS expert but i know a bit so i found where he calculates the width when using multiple slides but cant figure out myself how to do it for the height.


I suppose I'll find out soon enough if I did this anywhere close to right... I believe I managed to fork the repo to post my change. Note that I have been making my change in a prototype environment. I'm not to worried about my changes being clean at the moment, proof of concept is all I'm looking at for now. I'm still new to git and github, so be patient if I am not handling things in the best manner. Let me know if you can't access the AnythingSlider repo under DigitalKayak. Feel free to let me know if there is a better way for me to have done this rather than creating my own repo as I did.

AnythingSlider isn't, at this time, set up to allow multiple vertical slides. So, you will see some blank space below the last slide until it reaches the top.

The closest I got: http://jsfiddle.net/Mottie/ycUB6/5243/

No one? ;/

As I told you, as an incentive, I am willing to make a donation to solve this problem.

LOL @Brightweb!

I already had the code written, I was just trying to debug it. As I said before, ummm I forgot where I posted it now LOL, I have multiple vertical slides working, but I haven't had a chance to make sure all of the bugs are worked out of it yet... check back tomorrow ;)

Ok, I just updated the plugin to allow multiple vertical slides. Sorry for the wait.

Thanks, Mottie. Send a e-mail to brightweb1@gmail.com with your paypal account =D