
stoping images to auto expand when changing width of slider

sido74 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there, I want to expand the width of the slider so i can show more images but when i do this the images auto expand and the height gets bigger to. Is there anyway of setting the images to a constrained size so that when expanding the width of the slider more images will show.


Check out this demo

If you change the size of the #slider but leave the #slider li width alone, it will make the view port bigger without resizing the panels.

#slider {
    width: 300px;
#slider li {
    width: 150px;

Is that what you wanted?

Yea that was what i was after, although the images when enlarged distort a lot, is there anyway to prevent his?

I'm guessing that I answered your question in issue #88. If you continue to have problems, please feel free to post your question in the CSS-Tricks forums.