
Unable to install challenges with the same name (but different category)

tieknimmers opened this issue · 1 comments

The function install() in ctfcli/cli/challenge.py implements a check to see if there is already a challenge with the same name. This check does this as follows:

if c["name"] == challenge["name"]:
        "Already found existing challenge with same name. Perhaps you meant sync instead of install?",

As a result, ctfcli refuses to install challenges with the same name regardless of the category.

I have been using a modified variant of ctfcli that determines if a challenge is already present based on the challenge name and challenge category.

if c["name"] == challenge["name"] and c["category"] == challenge["category"]:
        "Already found existing challenge with same name. Perhaps you meant sync instead of install?",

The same check is also present in the function sync_challenge() in ctfcli/utils/challenge.py and should be changed in similar fashion to sync the correct challenge.

I guess this is the intended/expected behaviour?

Yes the behavior is as intended but there are definitely better ways to determine if a challenge is already installed.

However Im not sure if category is a good additional check b/c what if you were to change the category of a challenge? You would end up with two challenges instead of one.